Safety Comes First!

Government restrictions have finally relaxed a little and despite our eagerness to return to a regular schedule and routine, I can completely understand the reluctant and cautious feeling towards filling classrooms and branches again. There have certainly been merits to online learning in the last twelve weeks, but as I am sure we have all come to appreciate is that there is nothing quite like hands-on learning together with friends.

As always, our students’ safety is BigByte’s number one priority. We ensure that we follow and comply with all government regulations to keep our students, our educators and staff safe in the knowledge that all precautions and preventions are adhered to.

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When arriving at any branch you’ll see posted on our door the capacity for each classroom according to the size and the number of students. Students have been assigned fixed seating in classrooms that are well ventilated, and desks and chairs are sprayed with alcohol at least four times a day. At all branches, our UV lights are also automatically turned on each evening to further our school community’s protection.

When entering any  branch, each and every person needs to take their temperature and record it using our QR code. Every person sanitizes their hands before entering a classroom and are required to keep their masks on at all times. 

Clear partitions have been set up on tables between students for both class time and meal times. Lunch is dished up individually by the branch Auntie and handed out.

Our branch team members have also provided negative Co-Vid test results each week and have each been registered to be vaccinated as soon as possible. 

Personally, having had some of the students back in school for a week already has resulted in a remarkable shift of attitude and motivation amongst us all. Hearing laughter, having engaging hilarious conversations, reconnecting with the families at the front door, has made me realize something: I think I need the students more than they actually need me! Interacting with them, sharing winks, jokes and singing together again makes it painfully clear why we do the work that we do and the amount of pure joy that our students add to my day! 

You can be sure that we’ll do everything we can to protect that joy! 

This photo was taken in May, 2021. We sincerely hope all students come back to school as normal as soon as possible!

This photo was taken in May, 2021. We sincerely hope all students come back to school as normal as soon as possible!

HealthAnja W