Learning Life Skills
A month into Level 3 lockdown restrictions has surely meant a readjustment in home life and routines.
It’s difficult to not be affected by adapting to working from home, having children inside all day, facilitating online learning, and managing housework and chores.
As the team at BigByte Junior know, establishing routines and setting up expectations right at the start of each semester is essential for learning and developmental success for our young students.
We work on gaining, improving and practicing a number of different life skills that are part character building, as well as important personal habits to develop.
practical routines
Bathroom habits, specifically washing our hands properly
Lunch and snack time manners, such as eating with our mouth closed and cleaning up after ourselves
Ultimately, we want to create the space and give students’ the opportunities to grow in confidence, empathy, independence, self-responsibility and self-awareness.
I believe this time at home together during lockdown could offer your family a new opportunity to do so, too.
How about working out a schedule for the next two weeks together?
The aim here is to give (pre-determined) options and choices to your child, as well as set goals that balance out the time commitments each family member has during the day and week.
For example:
To support the success of a new schedule like this, please keep in mind:
We would love to know if this idea worked, or didn’t, in your own home. Please let us know what we forgot to include and other helpful tips.
Hope these ideas can help keep home calmer, more peaceful and more productive.