On the Rise: Asia Students View US Boarding Schools as Top Education Choice


According to a report from BBC, Chinese student Xuran Peng talked about how her study abroad at the University of Illinois (UIUC) benefited the entire family. "My parents set aside a large part of their family savings solely for my college tuition. They saved so much just so I could study at a public university in the US. My parents hope that my younger brother and I can complete my studies in the US, and then continue to work stateside. Many of China’s top-ranking high school students aim to enter top American universities.”


With the rise of globalization, more parents want to send their children to international boarding schools. For many parents, attending a boarding school is the precursor to admittance to a top tier American university. The Institution of International Education (IIE) stated in their Open Doors report, 1.1 millions of students from around the world attended school in the US for the 2018-2019 academic year. Among them, students from China and India were the majority. The American education system has long been regarded highly internationally, but what exactly caused a large number of Asian students to flock to the United States?

Douglas Lyons, executive director of the Connecticut Association of Independent Schools, said, "Asian families generally believe that children do not have enough at home to compete with the United States or the world. If they really want their children to succeed, they must be sent to universities in the United States.”

Asian parents want their children to receive a world-class education in a premier institution to meet the global demand for talent. The rapid development of international schools in recent years has proven the growing demand for a westernized education.

🏆Rankings of Boarding Schools in the US: https://reurl.cc/Naeqg5

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